Meet the Staff: Tyra Hughes


Q: What is your full name? Is there a meaning behind your name?

A: My full name is Tyra Salli Hughes. My first name means fighter because I was born prematurely. My middle name doesn’t have a meaning but my sister wanted me to be named Salli because her doll when was five was also named Salli.

Q: When and where were you born?

A: I was born at Saint Barnabas Hospital in Livingston. My family moved to West Orange right after I was born. My birthday is March 7, 2003 but I was supposed to be born in July.

Q: What are some of the things you are passionate about?

A: I’m passionate about writing because it gives me a way to make sense of my thoughts but it also gives me an outlet to express my opinion on controversial issues. I like writing about issues that affect society so issues like racism and things like that interest me because it affects me personally and everyone around me. I like writing about things that shed light on issues that tend to be ignored but are still important to society and to give a voice to the voiceless. 

Q: When did you become passionate for journalism?

A: Freshman year. I took Intro to Journalism because I wanted to learn how to craft writing skills to be veered toward journalism. I always liked writing but journalism for me started freshman year because it gave me a way to adapt my talent into articles. 

Q: What are you goals (Academic or Personal) for junior year?

A: I have 3 main goals. The first one is to step out of my comfort zone and let loose and express my full self instead of holding back and being afraid to be outgoing and not reserved. Another goal is to manage my time better because I’m really bad with procrastination. I feel like I could do better managing my time and balancing everything out. Finally a third goal is to make time for things that I like doing while still making time to write about things that aren’t school related.

Q: What’s one word that describes you best and why?

A: One word? But there’s a lot of words! How about three.  Awkward, but not in a weird way in a funny way. I feel like I have a funny personality but not in a comedic way more like quirky. I think I’m very introspective. I think a lot and sometimes I overthink.

Q: Favorite hobby?

A: I like writing. But I also like watching YouTube videos and documentaries, and “Euphoria” also buying food. I love food, it’s just so great. A majority of my money is spent on food and clothes. Another hobby I have is listening to music from J. Cole, Beyonce, and you can’t forget about Frank Ocean. The Modern Love Column from the New York Times is cool too.

Q: Are you part of any clubs or do you any extracurricular?

A: I do Track and Field and I’m also a part GSA (Gay Straight Alliance). Plus I work on weekends 

Q: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

A: My biggest goal is one, to be happy with myself. Two, being confident in myself and not letting fear hold me back. And three, having a successful career.  I wanna write for a publication and be a stronger writer than I am right now. I also want to have a stable and healthy relation with family and friends. Finally I wanna live in New York but I gotta learn how to navigate it. I think New York is like the HUB of journalism.

Q: What does the tattoo on your wrist mean?

A: It’s the number of my grandmother’s house, 395.My whole family got it because the house is very special to my family and most of my family grew up there and lived there at one point or another.