Procrastination Club

A WOHS junior has recently began our school’s first “Procrastinator’s Anonymous” club for all those struggling with the tasks complicating students’ lives, such as doing homework, doing classwork, getting out of bed, getting in bed, and much more!

Students meet every day of the week at 12:30am in their own bedroom where everyone is free to express the topics grabbing their divided attention. Snacks are welcome, as well as checking Instagram every two minutes, traversing inconsequential Wikipedia articles, and simply staring at chipped paint in the corner of your wall!

It is strongly preferred that members have several obligations they fail to attend to on a regular basis, or have the inability to engage in productive work without an immediate deadline pressing against the side of their head. If this sounds like you, just stop on by whenever you get a chance… or as soon as you finish organizing all of your Google Drive documents by number of words… or probably never.