WOHS’ Newest Policy

West Orange High School (WOHS) will now be enforcing a new ID policy for students starting Monday, October 2nd.
As of October 2nd, students must wear and display their IDs at all times on school grounds which includes in the hallways and during class. The policy is being used as a way to improve the school environment as well as make students and staff feel safe.
School safety is a top priority in school districts across the country, especially after many tragedies in schools have occurred in recent years. The same goes for WOHS where safety is the top priority. Wearing IDs assures students and staff who the members of WOHS community are and makes preventing intruders easier.
While students understand the reasoning behind the ID policy, they also find it annoying. A majority of the students who have their IDs prefer to keep it with their belongings, such as in their backpacks or wallets and not display them on their person. However, those who don’t wear their IDs will face disciplinary action. Over 70 detentions have already been given out. The ID policy is now a new behavioral rule of the school. Teachers will also start writing students up who do not wear them in class. Any student written up will be sent to the Dean’s office during the school day. While the new policy is controversial, it must be obeyed to avoid consequences.
anonymous • Mar 9, 2018 at 5:47 pm
The excess of rules and policies in the united states is the biggest cause of crime. The USA has the most amount of mass shooting and we are the least liberal of all the democracies. Tale germany for example they try to help people in prisons. Look up the episode of sixty minutes about how the correction systems in other countries are. Also we should be focusing on how to fix the school system . The system is off just think any normal five year old is eager to learn once they get to school a lot of kids lose their interest to learn. This is sad. If we could fix this the USA would have one of the most productive society in the world .
I typed in a random email 🙂