“M3GAN” Movie Review

M3GAN has been a rising and exciting new movie that everyone is dying to see this new year. But is it that good? In short… yes. M3GAN is a horror film directed by Gerard Johnstone and came out on January 6th, 2023. Starring actors like Allison Williams, Violet Mcgraw, Jenna Davis, and Amie Donald, this movie was bound to be good.
I went into the movie knowing it was a horror and thriller movie and hoping to be freaked out. Overall the movie wasn’t that scary, but thrilling… yes. I was constantly on edge and anxious. For someone whose biggest fear is of robots taking over the planet, then maybe they’d stay up and night with nightmares about it, but if not, this might not be your first choice for something that’ll make you scream. It wasn’t too gory, but every once in a while, it had some part where you’d definitely want to close your eyes if you get squirmish. The concept and idea of robots taking over were definitely not new, but M3GAN had an interesting take on it. Furthermore, I’m not sure how someone would react to a life-size android taking over, but I can, however, tell the acting was on point and made me feel like I had just stepped through the screen. It was unquestionably funny, but not really meant to be. Maybe it’s just that I laugh at anything, but this film had me giggling throughout. Overall, this movie gets a 3.8/5 star rating.