Where Did it STEM From?

Where Did it STEM From?

West Orange High School has recently started a new team. No, it’s not a sports team, but rather a scientific team. It’s called the Science Olympiad. The Science Olympiad was started by seniors Derek Lim, Abraham Dada, Divya Anand, and is advised by chemistry teacher Dr. Brandt.

The Science Olympiad Team is a way for students to use their science and technology skills to compete in different challenges. The team is enrolled in about 20 different competitions against other high schools across the state. Each competition is split into different categories relating to STEM and team members can divide their different skills among the categories.

Chemistry teacher Dr. Brandt said that he became involved with the team because, “The students are the biggest motivators, the team is very motivating,” and that he was “very honored that they asked me to be involved in it.” With regards to how successful the team has been so far, he added that he thinks the team has been very successful and that, “They’re self motivating, they’re organizing their priorities, and it looks like they’re having fun.”

Good luck to the Science Olympiad Team on their upcoming competitions!