A Nurse’s Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter

Ms. Dudkiewicz offers insight into avoiding ailments

A Nurse's Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter

Many often view winter as the most joyous time of year. Snow, winter break, and the holidays are just a few reasons why many feel winter is the best season. But along with those, winter also brings what nurses and doctors fear the most: flu season. However, there are several ways to keep healthy during the winter time.

According to Ms. Dudkiewicz, a nurse at West Orange High School, winter is the worst season for colds and flu, but with the right techniques, anyone can stay healthy. She advises students to dress warm.

“Wear scarves, gloves, and cover the chest well,” Ms. Dudkiewicz said. She also mentioned how many common winter ailments are caused by the spread of germs. Her suggestion would be to “Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands after going out and before meals” also brought up how important vitamins are to our health. “Get your Vitamin C,” she said. “People always forget about this.”

Ms. Dudkiewicz also had some advice for those who are starting to feel sick and don’t want to get any worse. “Drink lots of liquids, like water and orange juice.” she said. “Gargle your mouth with salt and warm water daily after your meals and before going to sleep to prevent from getting any more sick.” However, if you are sick, Ms. Dudkiewicz advises you to stay home as you could easily affect other students and even get worse.

Nonetheless, the many joys people find in winter are only around for a couple of months, so while trying to maintain healthy don’t forget to enjoy it while it lasts!