Many West Orange High School students know and love their marching band “The Marching Mountaineers.” However, when fall turns to winter and the marching band season is over, the color guard shines.
Color guard is a physical art form that often accompanies a marching band. Members of the color guard will be found spinning or throwing pieces of equipment like flags and rifles. The members also complement the marching band through their various dances, costumes, equipment, and stage movements throughout the performance. This past fall, the color guard had 23 members, one of the largest guard teams in a long time. When asking the Winter Guard advisor, Mrs. Legatic, about how the guard contributed to the band this past fall she said, “It’s through performance, through equipment, saber, rifle, flag, dance, storytelling, body movement, as well as prop movement.”
Even though the football season has ended, the color guard season promptly took off. This winter the Winter Guard will travel throughout New Jersey to compete in high-level competitions. Winter Guard is very similar to Fall Guard, the major differences being the setting and lack of a band. Instead of the Winter Guard performing outside on a football field, they perform in a basketball gym. The other difference is that the guard doesn’t perform with a band and uses pre-recorded audio during their performance. In the past, the Winter Guard has won many awards, both with and without the marching band. Along with their success, the color guard expanded and started a middle school program just last year. This program allows younger kids to discover their love for this art form and develop the high school program.
Furthermore, the Winter Guard has a completely new and different performance and theme than the Marching Band did this past fall. So, if you want to see the amazing spectacle that is the Winter Guard go to their invitational on January 25th in the Tarnoff Gym and show your Mountaineer pride (written January 15).