New & Improved Graduation for Class of 2020!
A senior reflects on her excitement toward her online graduation!

Ever since I was a young little girl, I have always dreamt about my high school graduation. Knowing that the work you have tirelessly put in for 13 years would finally be recognized is truly a special feeling, and is something I am still currently looking forward to to this day.
With the current state of our Country, I am even more excited for this incredibly special and pivotal moment in my life. This milestone now has the potential to be in the very own comfort of my home!! I mean who wants to graduate alongside all of your friends and classmates that you have endeavored on this journey with for a main portion of your life anyway?
I am ecstatic that I will be receiving my diploma online alongside only my two parents! It’s not like my Grandparents, cousins, or immediate family members wanted to watch me walk across that stage anyway, so it is no big deal at all!
Furthermore, now I get to get my hair blown out, put on some makeup and my decently expensive dress to walk out into my very own living room, where only my parents and our two cats will see!
This is even better than our virtual Prom that the seniors participated in, where I got to wear my $500 plus dress into the same living room I’ll be graduating from!
Doesn’t this just sound like the perfect way to cap off your adolescent years with absolutely no closure or final closing chapter to your past 13 years of living?!