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The Pioneer

Mountaineer views on today's news.

The Pioneer

The Pioneer

2024-2025 Staff

Isabella Ford-Valiente

Isabella Ford-Valiente

Izzy Ford-Valiente is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Pioneer. Passionate about what she does, Izzy always puts 100% into her work. This year, she hopes to increase focus on the Pioneer Podcast, publish an influx of articles, and...

Nyah McKinney

Nyah McKinney

Nyah McKinney is a senior and your Co-Editor-in-Chief for the WOHS student newspaper, The Pioneer. This is her third year in the newspaper and her second year as the Co-Editor-in-Chief. Currently, she is one of the varsity cheerleading...

Taylor Shimek
Managing Editor

Taylor Shimek

Taylor is a hardworking, passionate journalist with a solid foundation in academics and a continual quest for self-discovery. Family has played a crucial role in shaping who Taylor is today. As an only child, she has received...

Violet Kohlenstein
In Our School/Town Editor

Violet Kohlenstein

Violet Kohlenstein is a junior this year and proud editor of the “In Our School/In Our Town” section of The Pioneer. Writing has always been Violet’s passion. From a young age, she has been enthralled by words and storytell...

Emily Rintzler
Student Jounalist

Emily Rintzler

Emily Rintzler is a newly appointed member of the Pioneer. She is currently a Junior at the West Orange High School. Emily is joining the Newspaper this year because she took journalism last year and was heavily persuaded to join the Newspaper ...

Mimi Favetta
Student Journalist

Mimi Favetta

Trigal Rosario Taveras
Student Journalist

Trigal Rosario Taveras

Emris Sanders
Student Journalist

Emris Sanders

Senior Emris Sanders found interest in their Introduction to Journalism class in their junior year, and because of that, Emris has found themselves a newcomer in the Newspaper class and as a writer in the WOHS Pioneer.  Besid...

Nathaniel Thomas
Student Journalist

Nathaniel Thomas

Nathaniel Thomas (he/him) is a senior and a student journalist for The Pioneer. The Pioneer. He joined last year due to his previous experience with newspaper clubs and his interest in writing. Since then, he has become the ed...

Aanya Ortiz
Student Journalist

Aanya Ortiz

Aanya Ortiz (she/her) is a newly appointed staff member of the Pioneer. She is currently a sophomore at West Orange High School. Aanya was born and raised in Manhattan, New York, for her first six years and thereafter moved to W...

Josephine Foglia
Sports Editor

Josephine Foglia

Josephine Foglia, a dedicated junior, excels both on the soccer field and in her academic pursuits. Outside of soccer, she finds joy in reading romance novels, traveling, and listening to her favorite singer, Drake, which helps elev...

Madeleine Beetar
Editorials Editor

Madeleine Beetar

Madeleine Beetar (she/her) is a student journalist at the West Orange High School. Since elementary school, she has been writing short stories, creative passages, poems, informational texts, and screenwriting. Growing up wi...

Ruby Page
Copy Editor & Marketing Coordinator

Ruby Page

Simply put, Ruby Page, our Copy Editor and Marketing Coordinator, can be described as nice, caring, and funny. However, there is so much more to her. In her free time, Ruby can run miles upon miles as a way to clear her mind....

Alicia Brown
Sports Editor

Alicia Brown

Involved in journalism, broadcasting, and creative writing, Alicia Brown (she/her), junior at West Orange High School, is a new and optimistic In Our School/Town section editor of The Pioneer. She has prior experience with jour...

Steven Mulvihill
Entertainment Editor & Marketing Staff

Steven Mulvihill

Steven Mulvihill (He/Him) is the Sports Editor and apart of the Marketing team for the 2023-2024 staff of The Pioneer. During his first year, he was the section editor for the entertainment section and a co-editor for the sport...

Parker "Park" Hawley
Copy Editor & Marketing Coordinator

Parker “Park” Hawley

Parker Hawley (they/them), also known as Park, is currently a junior involved with the Newspaper Club and GSA. They start by sharing their hobbies, stating that they are “either writing, going for a run, or just playing vide...