Calling All Writers: Aspiring Writers Club Begins

The new year ushers in a flurry of change. From the Brexit to the President of the United States, America is shedding 2016’s norms with haste. In our school, 2017 has also birthed a new extracurricular venture: the Aspiring Writers Club.
Advised by Ms. Teresa Harris, the Aspiring Writers Club is dedicated to workshop-style creative writing, an inventive supplement to the school’s formal English curriculum. Founder and president Julia Lawrence stresses that the Aspiring Writers Club “aims to create a safe environment where students can work together to improve their creative writing skills via workshops and skill-building activities.” In one meeting, attendees may ‘blind’ critique one another or write short creative pieces to share with peers.
The club meets on Wednesdays, once every two weeks in room 2313. The calm, introspective atmosphere allows attendees to express themselves without the barriers caused by academia and censorship. There are no deadlines, there are no writing parameters, and thus, there are no limits.
All are welcome, writers and non-writers alike. Attendees must only bring an open mind with creative thoughts.