Technology Throughout History


We live in an era where technology supposedly has no limits. We can prevent and remove biological infections without severely damaging the patients, communicate with billions of people everywhere, and construct skyscrapers and arenas within a matter of months. Some may wonder how we conjured the materials necessary to accomplish such astounding feats, or why what we have was not invented sooner. The answer is fairly simple: we build upon the technology and resources that already exist.

Take communication, for example. For the first few thousand years of human evolution, we relied solely on verbal communication. Then, we started writing to each other. Centuries later, in 1836, Samuel Morse invented Morse Code, which used electric currents over long distances. This downsized the timing of interactions over great intervals, which was especially imperative during the American Civil War. This eventually gave way to Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone 40 years later, making communication instantaneous. Three years after that, Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb; which also utilized electricity over great spaces. Over the following decades, the innovations of radio, television and the Internet strengthened the rapid distribution of news and information, which paved the way for even smoother forms of communication, such as email and texting. Now, we have Google Chrome, which gives us even more power than ever. Students can work on assignments with other students and teachers without being in the same room, reducing the time needed to work on them. Today, schools all over the country have installed Google Chrome for the better of the students and teachers.

The influence of the internet has also paved the way for other technological innovations for schools. We now have the ability to print out solid objects of multiple sizes and scales, allowing for various artistic creativity and ideas. We can also read textbooks online, which saves paper and preserves the environment.

The metamorphosis of technology and science has left a massive impact on the human race. Many have pros and cons, but they still push the envelope of what our minds are capable of. Who knows how technology will improve our lives next.